Raffaele Spena, Naples


Dr. Raffaele Spena received his Certificate in Orthodontics at the Dental School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in 1988. In 2003, he received the degree of “Specialty in Orthodontics” at the University of Ferrara. He has been involved in several research projects, spreading from nonextraction treatment (he has co-worked for more than 15 years with dr. Norman Cetlin giving courses in Italy, Europe and USA) to the Periodontally Facilitated Orthodontics (corticotomy and its applications to orthodontic treatment). He has been speaker at both Italian (SIDO, SITEBI, ANDI, Italian Accademy of Orthodontics) and international meetings (AAO, EOS, Israel Ortho Society, Israeli Periodontal & Osteointegration Society, Sociedad Espanola de Ortodoncia, Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Orthodontische Studie, Hungarian Ortho Society, etc. ). In July 1998, he published an atlas about  “Il trattamento senza estrazioni”(Nonextraction technique) that has been published in English by Fenske Media Corporation in 2002. In 2000, he published with the drs. R.L.Vanarsdall and N.M. Cetlin a chapter “Nonextraction Treatment” in the textbook “Orthodontics – Current principles and techniques” by T.M.Graber e R.M.Vanarsdall. A updated chapter, written with the same co-authors, has been included in the new editions (2005 and 2011) of the same book edited by T.M.Graber, R.M.Vanarsdall e K.W.L.Vig. Dr. Spena has been Adjunct Clinical Professor at the Orthodontic Department of the Dental School of the University of Pennsylvania from 1988 to 2000 where he has given courses about nonextraction therapy and cephalometric analysis. He has also been Adjunct Clinical Professor at the University of Parma from 1996 to 2000. At the moment, he is Adjunct Clinical Professor at the University of Ferrara. He is a member of the Italian Accademy of Orthodontics, American Association of Orthodontists,  Società Italiana di Ortodonzia, World Federation of Orthodontists and European Orthodontic Society. Dr. Spena has been President of the Italian Accademy of Orthodontics for the year 2010 and has been Scientific Secretary of the same society in the years 2008-2009. He is an active member of the Angle Society of Europe since 2005. In 2001, he has received the Certificate of Excellence in Orthodontics in Italy and, in 2008,  the E.B.O. (European Board of Orthodontics). He practices orthodontics in Napoli.